Monday, March 17, 2014

Project 52: Week 11

We enjoyed some wonderful weather this past week. Currently the bad weather is catching back up with us and it is the second day of rain in Dallas. When it was beautiful outside I decided to just take a walk in my backyard and found this little guy. I love these little flowers. I remember being little and making little bouquets of them. I am still really enjoying my 50mm lens. Lately, I have actually had a hard time taking it off my camera. My other lens's are feeling a little neglected. My goal for this week is to post a picture actually not using my 50mm. 

On a side note definitely check out this post by Peta Pixel of the 50 Photography Quotes to Inspire You. One of my favorites is, "Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still" by Dorothea Lange.


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